How To Cast/Screen-Mirror Your PHONE Wirelessly To Your Laptop Tutorial

🔰welcome this is peter aged 21yrs 

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1:First you neeed to download a SOFTWARE called SCRCPY mirror

2:Install the Software and create a desktop shortcut

3:Restart your laptop (to make sure everything runs smoothly)

4:Connect your usb data cable to your phone and the laptop and choose media transfer

5:Open The software you have downloaded make sure your phone is casted to your laptop before going to the next step which will be wireless

6:Make sure your phone is connected the some wifi or hotspot

7:Open (CMD) to open it click windows button and such cmd,then right click on it to run as administrator

8:Once opened minize the screen 

9:Go to local disk (C) go where its written program files,such Scrcpy click on it,at the top where you see its written program X86 Scrcpy copy the text

10:Return back to the cmd where you minimized

11:Now type *cd* then put *space* now copy paste the text you had copied and press ENTER

12:Type *adb*  put *space* *tcpip*  put *space* *5555* then press ENTER

13:Now type type *adb* put *space* *connect* put *Space* now the type the ip adress of your phone(go to your phone settings,scroll down to SYSTEM go to About phone scroll down where its written wifi- mac address. Now type the *ip address* and press ENTER

14:On the CMD you will see ip address connected

15:Now uplug your usb cable off your laptop

16:Now Type *Scrcpy* note that *S*must be captal Letter,put *space* type *-b2 *space* *-m1280* then press ENTER 


18:But don't close the cmd windows minize it

19:You can now watch your free NETFLIX PLAN on your phone play games and watch videos wirelessly
